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Water Fees

Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Water Rates and Fee Structure

Transfer Fee
  • $2,000 when property transfers ownership
Fixed Operating Assessment:
  • $1,150 per year per developed lot plus 5% tax (for up to 163,500 gallons base)
  • $550 per year per undeveloped lot plus 5% tax (no water allotment)
Capital Reserve Assessment:
  • $1,400 per year per lot plus 5% tax (developed and undeveloped lots)
Excess User Fees:
  • For annual usage in excess of the base allocation of 163,500 gallons the following rate structure will apply:

kgal(per 1,000 gal)_________$/kgal
0 to 163.5________________$7.03
163.5 to 200______________$8.43
200 to 250_______________$13.02
250 to 300_______________$17.62
300 plus_________________$25

Multiple Lot Owners:
  • Have option to purchase additional annual allotments of 163,500 gallons for $1,150 each per undeveloped lot
  • If usage exceeds total allotment of all lots, fees revert to excess fee schedule i.e. $25 per kgal